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Victory! Nordic Aquafarms Has Permits Rescinded by Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands
Nordic cannot demonstrate that it has sufficient “title, right, or interest” (TRI) in the intertidal land adjacent to the State’s submerged land to meet BPL’s application requirements.

Report: Best Practices For Sustainable Land-Based Aquaculture In Maine
The report highlights what municipalities and states could be doing to attract and maintain high quality investments that give back to the communities in which they are located, help to achieve climate goals, and contribute to the domestic and the global food supply.

Freedom of Access Act request reveals Mills upset by Law Court's Decision on Nordic's lack of TRI
Belfast activist and journalist Lawrence Reichard obtained a copy of the Reid-Mills email exchange.

Upstream Watch Gains Ground in Nordic Fight
The Maine Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that Upstream Watch does have standing to appeal the Belfast Zoning Board’s Nordic decision.

BEP in no hurry to comply with Law Court decisions
The Bureau of Environmental Protection (BEP) has yet to apply the Supreme Judicial Court’s decisions in Mabee v. Nordic Aquafarms, Inc.
TRI Ripples from the Law Court decision continue to rock Nordic's boat...and Belfast's
Even if the City took ownership of the intertidal land by eminent domain in 2021, the City took it subject to a conservation easement that prohibits any dredging or commercial or industrial development on it.

Friends of HLH asks Bureau of Parks and Lands to vacate Nordic submerged lands lease
No RTI; no lease. No lease; no pipelines to the bay. No pipelines; no fish factory.

Nordic Aquafarms drops damage claims against local opponents
Attorneys for Nordic Aquafarms agreed to drop all four damage claims against landowners and the Harriet L. Hartley Conservation Area.